Where can I get the book?
Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 9:35 am
Hello everyone
I just stumbled accross the LCC about a week ago and have been reading up on the system. It looks to my like a very brilliant system, I´m kind of surpriced that this system is not the main curriculum in jazz schools?
Anyway, I looked oneline and found some copies for about 1000$, that is a bit out of my price range. Then I found the link to this site with a page for ordering the book http://www.lydianchromaticconcept.com/buyit.html Is the book still available here?
I just stumbled accross the LCC about a week ago and have been reading up on the system. It looks to my like a very brilliant system, I´m kind of surpriced that this system is not the main curriculum in jazz schools?
Anyway, I looked oneline and found some copies for about 1000$, that is a bit out of my price range. Then I found the link to this site with a page for ordering the book http://www.lydianchromaticconcept.com/buyit.html Is the book still available here?