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Insights about "Tonal Gravity Chart"

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 11:26 am
by Fer Carranza
Hi: I´ve been working on "Tonal Gravity Chart of a Lydian Chromatic Scale", and I arrived to a new insights in the use of the theoric material of the Concept. I parallel with this I´m using Bartok axis sistem in improvisation, and based on this last one, in example C tonic can be used in the same way that Eb tonic, F# tonic and A tonic. But, studying the Interval Chart I arrived at the conclusion that the most compatible tonics to C tonic are F tonic, D tonic and A tonic. Then, following the same reasoning C tonic appears in G tonic environment, sharing this status with E tonic and A tonic. Again, in Bb tonic environment C tonic appears like one of the most compatible candidates with Eb tonic and G tonic. And at last in Eb tonic environment C tonic appears with Ab tonic and F tonic. If we put all this tonics in order we have: C-D-Eb-E- F-G-Ab-A-Bb. And one of the most interestings facts is that if we go to the circle of fifths we can note that there are four tonics before C, then C, and after C there are four more tonics, all in a row. Just for share with you, all are lydian tonics and can sound amazing, almost for me.

Re: Insights about "Tonal Gravity Chart"

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 8:23 am
by bobappleton
Beatiful observations Fer. Thank you!


Re: Insights about "Tonal Gravity Chart"

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 6:21 pm
by Fer Carranza
You´re welcome Bob!!! I´m using this "concept" in my last compositions, I will try to record it with my band and I will share with you for your consideration. Thanks!!!