New perspective on LCCOTO.
Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 4:31 pm
Hi people: I wonder if some of you are in The Lydian Chromatic Concept group on FB??? If do you don´t know it, I really encourage you to join it. I recently discover a new insight, almost for me, of use of this Concept. It´s stated by Joe Giardullo, great soprano sax player and devoted user of the concept. He stated there that the main core of the Russell work is based in the "Tonal Gravity Chart of A Lydian Chromatic Scale" that comes with an early edition of the book, I don´t remember now what edition is. The fact is that, I have the Chart, and it shows all of intervals possibles given a Lydian Tonic, to the more consonant for the less ones. Joe is in favor of an intervallic use of the concept and not in a scale use of it, because one can displays an ilimitated number of possibilities to achieve the twelve tones scale but in a gravitational order given by the chart. He don´t pay attention to the chords in the tunes, but he does it to the tonic (or tonics) of the composition, and since this place he became to play with intervals in a personal order to achieve your individual musical languague. What do you think about it?
PD: Here is the link where he explains better than I your point of view..... ... ation-way/
PD: Here is the link where he explains better than I your point of view..... ... ation-way/