Well, this thread is shaping up nicely
Something I wanted to touch on (both Chesper and Fer hit on these ideas a bit) that I started to explore a long time ago:
E dim 7 = E G Bb Db
And an E dim 7 is
ALSO = G dim 7, Bb dim 7, Db dim 7
SO, look at all of the choices I listed before for E dim 7, BUT, using the different possible names for this chord, see how it fits as different PMG numerals.
Example I listed before, with new "perspectives":
Chord: E dim 7
As PMG I of E Lyd Dim, we have E F# G A#(Bb) B C#(Db) D# E
This is where we had the chord tones of the E Dim 7, we also have a Major 7th (D#), a 9th (F#), and the natural 5th (B).
If we
It's the bIII of E Lyd Dim (or, as Chesper mentioned, the I PMG chord/bIII in the bass)
Giving us G Bb B C# (Db) D# E F# G
RENAMING the E dim 7 as a G dim 7 all of the sudden changes the RELATIONSHIP of intervals to the chord:
we have all 4 chord tones, PLUS the Major 7th (F#), the b13 (D#/Eb), and what do you know, the Major 3rd (B).
If we
RENAME THIS CHORD as Bb dim 7...
It's the +IV of E Lyd Dim
(one of the other choices I listed before)
And if we
RENAME THIS CHORD as Db dim 7...
It's the VI of E Lyd Dim
(also one of the other choices I listed before)
This EXACT SAME IDEA works using Aux Dim, but because of the symmetrical nature of this particular scale, you end up just DUPLICATING the tones of the original Parent Scale:
Chord: E dim 7
As PMG I of E Aux Dim, we have E F# G A Bb C C#(Db) D# E
If we
It's the bIII of E Aux Dim (once again, it's really the I PMG chord/bIII in the bass)
Giving us G A Bb C C#(Db) D# E F# G
In this case, renaming the E dim 7 as a G dim 7 DOES NOT change the relationship of intervals to the chord, because E Aux Dim
IS G Aux Dim!
This is also true if we
RENAME THIS CHORD as Bb dim 7 (the +IV of E Aux Dim, but Bb Aux Dim
IS E Aux Dim) or if If we
RENAME THIS CHORD as Db dim 7 (the VI of E Aux Dim, but Db Aux Dim
IS E Aux Dim)
Here's where I'm going with this:
E dim 7 = G dim 7 = Bb dim 7 = Db dim 7 (all the same chord, inversions of each other, four possible interpretations)
From an "E" Parent Scale, that's I, bIII (or I/bIII), +IV and VI
From a "G" Parent Scale, that's VI, I, bIII (I/bIII), and +IV
From a "Bb" Parent Scale, that's +IV, VI, I and bIII (I/bIII)
And from a "Db" Parent Scale, that's bIII (I/bIII), +IV, VI and I
Crazy stuff, yet so simple and organized.
Final thing that Fer hit on:
In the "Wave" progression, D Maj 7- Bb dim 7 - A min 7
I agree that there's certainly a "striving" for the A min 7, and I certainly "hear" that change (the Bb dim 7 to A min 7) as a strong horizontal situation.
So how do we treat the Bb dim 7? It could be a I (from Bb), a bIII (or I/bIII, from G), a +IV (from E), or a VI (from Db).
Here's the cool thing about the conclusion that Fer came to:
Calling it a IIIh from the F# Aux Dim Blues is
NO DIFFERENT than calling it I of Bb Aux Dim!
That's because F# Aux Dim Blues IS Bb Aux Dim!
F# Aux Dim Blues = F# G A A# (Bb) C C# (Db) D# (Eb) E F#
Bb Aux Dim (as well as E Aux Dim, G Aux Dim, and Db Aux Dim) = Bb C C# (Db) D# (Eb) E F# G A Bb
No matter how you look at it (even though there is some "redundancy", it's also "continuity"), you end up with all of the same choices. Yikes!