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Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 8:07 am
by chespernevins
Do you have the option to save the Sibelius file as a .xml or or .mxl file? I could open those in MuseScore, but can't open .sib.
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:44 pm
by chespernevins
Hmm, not working yet.
The filename looks like this to me:
Sonate fur Flote und Klavier_2_12.mxi.sib
I think if you could save it as the following it would work:
Sonate fur Flote und Klavier_2_12.mxl
But you can't just name it that. When you choose "save as" you have to choose to save it as an .mxl file. If you do that, it won't get a .sib at the end of the filename.
I'm sure you know a lot more about your application than I do. I'm just throwing out my best guess. I don't want to put you to too much trouble. Then again, you already went all the way to the music store and special ordered the score! 8)
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:39 am
by chespernevins
Hey you remember when we were talking form Egypt a year or so ago?. Anyway, the McDonalds that I was using for wifi is right down the street from where all the recent protests are taking place in Cairo.
No kidding!
You don't think that discussing the LCC there sparked a revolution do you? LOL.
lol! It could be. Oh the analogies...
Maybe it's also the fact the there is WiFi access at a local public restaurant? (A McDonalds no less)
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:43 am
by chespernevins
Well, the good news is that I can see your .png image and it is pretty clear. So that's enough for me to follow your analysis.
If you want to try once more just for future info, notice that you are saving to a MXI file. MXI as in Mary Xray Indigo.
What MuseScore can open is an MXL file. MXL as in Mary Xray Lima.
MXL stands for Music XML file.
I had the imression that both Sibelius and MuseScore could handle this type of file.
Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:22 am
by bobappleton
just wanted to thank you guys for this discussion - one of the best and most interesting in a long time - imho.
i'm so busy these days it's scary... and the greatest thing about the forum is that i can get back to this and read it all thoroughly - later...
Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:42 am
by DroneDaily
motherlode wrote:Step #5:
In my chord analysis, the flute notes were included (this time) because the notes were so far inside that they were of little consequence. If the flute notes had been predominately outside, it would have required a different approach.
We want to know the distance of the lead voice (flute) from the Lydian Tonic…NOT the chord. Why not the chord? Because all the chords in a particular lydian family are interchangeable. The Lydian tonic is a constant.
TG now defines the sonic space of the lead voice…AND helps us determine the sonic space that we wish to play or write in.
Can you elaborate on this?
Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:37 pm
by chespernevins
What you're doing here is great ML.
Wanted to tell you guys I will be away from the computer next week.
I am looking forward to seeing your final chart(s) ML!
All the best to you guys and talk to you soon!
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 7:12 pm
by chespernevins
I want to nominate MOTHERLODE for the forum MVP of this season - for using the technology to the fullest, dealing with actual music, and revealing many ways that he uses the LCC.
Thanks ML!
Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:27 pm
by DroneDaily
very cool, thanks again for doing this, i'm sure it helped more people than just me