"Beginner's Mind" Pedagogy Dept.
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 3:19 pm
Trying to find a practice book for getting the LCC under fingers. The Baker Lydian books seem out of print, but the Jerry Coker, Patterns for Jazz book turns out to be quite useful. Coker does make numerous references to Russell, and he addresses the Lydian Augmented scale specifically, as well as the 'auxiliary' or symmetric scales.
Coker's scalar patterns, which take up the first 100 pages or so, require the following adaptations.
(Category I) On a Major chord, the four primary scales, in order are:
Lydian Scale (' #4)
Lydian Augmented (#4, #5)
Lydian Diminished (#4, b3)
Lydian b7 (#4, b7)
(Category II) On a dominant V7 chord, the primary scales are (also in order, related to their parent scales, and arranged from "in to out."):
Mixolydian #4
Mixolydian b9
Mixolydian b6
(Category VI) On ii-7, the primary scales are (also in order, related to the above as parent scales, and arranged from "in to out."):
Dorian natural 7 (AKA melodic minor)
Dorian b5
Dorian b9
In terms of Lydian parent scales, ii V I, in 'C major" (i.e., D-7 G7 CMaj) the parent scales would be
ii V (from F lydian) I (from C lydian).
(Did I get this right for a change?)
Coker's scalar patterns, which take up the first 100 pages or so, require the following adaptations.
(Category I) On a Major chord, the four primary scales, in order are:
Lydian Scale (' #4)
Lydian Augmented (#4, #5)
Lydian Diminished (#4, b3)
Lydian b7 (#4, b7)
(Category II) On a dominant V7 chord, the primary scales are (also in order, related to their parent scales, and arranged from "in to out."):
Mixolydian #4
Mixolydian b9
Mixolydian b6
(Category VI) On ii-7, the primary scales are (also in order, related to the above as parent scales, and arranged from "in to out."):
Dorian natural 7 (AKA melodic minor)
Dorian b5
Dorian b9
In terms of Lydian parent scales, ii V I, in 'C major" (i.e., D-7 G7 CMaj) the parent scales would be
ii V (from F lydian) I (from C lydian).
(Did I get this right for a change?)