forum activity
Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 6:41 am
i've noticed that the forum has not been active lately and i was hoping that it wasn't due to lack of interest. perhaps we're caught up in the back-to-school hullabaloo or just trying to salvage what's left of the ever so short summer season, but what the heck...
i may be posing a ridiculous question; however, i am wondering if the purpose of the forum (the LCC has certainly been brought up in other forums of late) is to:
1) disseminate information for the enrichment for those who have not purchased or studied any of the various publications of the concept?
2) generate interest in the concept?
3) further clarify topics found in the text?
or perhaps all or none of the above - or even that the forum serves whatever purpose the participants choose to make of it...
it seems that in the past, some of the commentary may have left us with the impression that anything that might be taken as criticism was unacceptable or subject to emotional responses - and may have discouraged the free exchange of ideas that a forum would ideally provide...
if my queries seem a bit of a non-sequiter, it may be that i am being prompted to write because of activity on other BBs that i might construe as devolved into either grandstanding "don't waste your time" (with the concept) and/or the opposite, which i might refer to as a "mutual admiration society" or "isn't this wonderful"...
i realize that merely asking these kinds of questions may provoke one or two harsh responses, but let it be stated for the record that i find the concept to be provocative from its inception - calling into question the human mechanisms for perceiving, composing, and analyzing musical sound. so if i succeed in generating any kind of response in the forum from its many participants with their many diverse viewpoints, i have accomplished what i have set out to do. it is the lively discussions from which i learn the most, even though like many people, i am often unaware of my own motives when participating in a dialogue: unsure whether i am on an impartial quest for dispassionate information, or to merely establish my own preconceptions for others to see as some kind of "a priori" or fundamental narcissistic "truth"...
i would also wish to state that i am, without hesitation, a passionate advocate of the concept and the way it has forced me to acknowledge and re-evaluate my belief systems as applied to the study of musical practices and music theory in general...
so there you have it - let's hear from everyone about what you think, feel, and hear in music; and whether or not your musical experiences have been shaped by your study of and your awareness of the concept and if so, just how exactly...
play well,
i may be posing a ridiculous question; however, i am wondering if the purpose of the forum (the LCC has certainly been brought up in other forums of late) is to:
1) disseminate information for the enrichment for those who have not purchased or studied any of the various publications of the concept?
2) generate interest in the concept?
3) further clarify topics found in the text?
or perhaps all or none of the above - or even that the forum serves whatever purpose the participants choose to make of it...
it seems that in the past, some of the commentary may have left us with the impression that anything that might be taken as criticism was unacceptable or subject to emotional responses - and may have discouraged the free exchange of ideas that a forum would ideally provide...
if my queries seem a bit of a non-sequiter, it may be that i am being prompted to write because of activity on other BBs that i might construe as devolved into either grandstanding "don't waste your time" (with the concept) and/or the opposite, which i might refer to as a "mutual admiration society" or "isn't this wonderful"...
i realize that merely asking these kinds of questions may provoke one or two harsh responses, but let it be stated for the record that i find the concept to be provocative from its inception - calling into question the human mechanisms for perceiving, composing, and analyzing musical sound. so if i succeed in generating any kind of response in the forum from its many participants with their many diverse viewpoints, i have accomplished what i have set out to do. it is the lively discussions from which i learn the most, even though like many people, i am often unaware of my own motives when participating in a dialogue: unsure whether i am on an impartial quest for dispassionate information, or to merely establish my own preconceptions for others to see as some kind of "a priori" or fundamental narcissistic "truth"...
i would also wish to state that i am, without hesitation, a passionate advocate of the concept and the way it has forced me to acknowledge and re-evaluate my belief systems as applied to the study of musical practices and music theory in general...
so there you have it - let's hear from everyone about what you think, feel, and hear in music; and whether or not your musical experiences have been shaped by your study of and your awareness of the concept and if so, just how exactly...
play well,