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Blue in Green

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 9:11 pm
by sandywilliams
I was wondering if CMGs could be enlisted in Blue in Green, particularly on the Ami and Dmi chords.

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 11:32 am
by bobappleton
absolutely (how could it have taken so long for you guys to (not) respond to sandy's question).

i remember begging for a discussion about "so what" in the old forum, because it seems (as do all the songs on kind of blue) to be lcc all the way.
just listen to the version on the gr album of the same name.

as i said at the time, moanin' was the modernist version of the traditional blues "amen" and "so what" (the aforementioned russell version) is the postmodern statement. it not only paraphrases miles davis solo (as sherrie levine re-photographed great images and made them "new") but it also drops the amen - a reductionist technique reminiscent (to me) of the postmodern statement silence=death.

ps: i'm back in beijing, listening to these amazing chinese sounds, which in my experience of improvising with them, instantly become "the blues"
