Progressions and scale alliances.
Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 1:03 pm
Well, I want to ask to you if we can share here some of the scale alliances we have made wearing the LCC. I mean, the original alliances founded for us when everyone interact whit this concept. In my case, I try, when I am in the middle of a fast change of chords which I could not relate in the same diatonic scale, to found a Lydian scale that can do it. In example, in two bars with this chords: CMaj7-C#7b9/ Am7, I use:
In CMaj7 a Vh alliance and in C#7b9 a +V alliance to found a F Lydian Chromatic environment, choosing the color of a F Lydian Augmented Scale. This is a very traditional alliance.
But, in other examples I use a table with all the Lydians Scales. Let´s take this progression: GMaj7- Bb7b9 / CMaj#11.
In GMaj7 I made a (I) alliance to found a G Lydian Chromatic environment.
For Bb7b9 I look at the table of all the Scales derived from the tonic G, and I found the notes that form this chord (Bb-D-F-Ab-B) in the G Auxiliar Dimished Blues (I think that this use is in SMG fashion, isn´t?. Then , I use this scales for both chords. I feel this very useful, and it sound very well, at least for me.
In CMaj7 a Vh alliance and in C#7b9 a +V alliance to found a F Lydian Chromatic environment, choosing the color of a F Lydian Augmented Scale. This is a very traditional alliance.
But, in other examples I use a table with all the Lydians Scales. Let´s take this progression: GMaj7- Bb7b9 / CMaj#11.
In GMaj7 I made a (I) alliance to found a G Lydian Chromatic environment.
For Bb7b9 I look at the table of all the Scales derived from the tonic G, and I found the notes that form this chord (Bb-D-F-Ab-B) in the G Auxiliar Dimished Blues (I think that this use is in SMG fashion, isn´t?. Then , I use this scales for both chords. I feel this very useful, and it sound very well, at least for me.