Search found 28 matches
- Sun Oct 03, 2021 6:29 pm
- Forum: Lydiocy (LCC Theory Discussion)
- Topic: Was there a second volume?
- Replies: 9
- Views: 38616
Re: Was there a second volume?
I'm Alice Russell, George's widow. To set the record straight, George did not stipulate in his will that nothing further be published after his death; he trusted me to make that decision. No one else has the authority to speculate about the future of the Concept, try as they may. I've been discussi...
- Sun Sep 23, 2018 11:19 am
- Forum: Lydiation (LCC General Discussion)
- Topic: It's been awhile
- Replies: 3
- Views: 15970
Re: It's been awhile
Good evening,
ML regularly posts his music, beautiful music, in the theory section there
ML regularly posts his music, beautiful music, in the theory section there
- Sat Jul 08, 2017 6:39 am
- Forum: Lydiation (LCC General Discussion)
- Topic: Dr. Reed Gratz on LCC
- Replies: 2
- Views: 15085
Re: Dr. Reed Gratz on LCC
hey Nate, nice video, cool link, thanks for posting it, it is a indeed very understandable intro to the LCC. very interesting/important the point he makes about the times and angry music. he (Dr. Reed Gratz) says horizontal music is what resolves, well I wish V2 material would be exposed to explain ...
- Wed Apr 26, 2017 7:11 am
- Forum: Lydiation (LCC General Discussion)
- Topic: New perspective on LCCOTO.
- Replies: 8
- Views: 28655
Re: New perspective on LCCOTO.
hello, yes it is! so what difference really is there between scales and the tonal gravity chart ? none perhaps. as a consequence, is not a scale only a set of intervals taken from the tonal gravity chart ? I wonder why that the chart of 144 intervals should appear in volume 2, there is a footnote so...
- Wed Oct 26, 2016 9:32 am
- Forum: Lydiation (LCC General Discussion)
- Topic: WOTG: b7 vs 4 why and why not
- Replies: 2
- Views: 15767
WOTG: b7 vs 4 why and why not
Hello ! I was wondering if someone knew the reason(s) why GR may have put the introduction of prime (b7) with lyd.b7/aux.aug before prime (4) with aux.dim in 4th ed. while in previous editions aux. dim and prime (4) is introduced one step before aux.aug. and prime (b7). perhaps one may have had the ...
- Thu Jun 09, 2016 6:08 am
- Forum: Lydiation (LCC General Discussion)
- Topic: ML's post @AAJ, nice voicings, question about the CDR
- Replies: 3
- Views: 17500
Re: ML's post @AAJ, nice voicings, question about the CDR
Fernando you say your hear the voicing top down D Bb f d c Ab sounds more Bb9 chord than a Ab9b5, even with a Ab in the bass ?! that's interesting. otherwise, @guitarjazz and everyone, I was wondering if there is not an equivalence between Gb lydian augmented Bb lydian augmented and D lydian augment...
- Sun Feb 28, 2016 6:40 pm
- Forum: Lydiation (LCC General Discussion)
- Topic: chart A. 7th#9 chord @(VII) of lyd. aug. !?
- Replies: 18
- Views: 53289
Re: chart A. 7th#9 chord @(VII) of lyd. aug. !?
I don't think there is quite enough going to qualify as super-vertical. The vamp out of John Coltrane's Satellite is my favorite example of super-vertical playing. He is playing Giant Steps changes over a D pedal. maj scale ie two lydian scales one fifth apart/next to each other, Coltrane Changes, ...
- Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:52 am
- Forum: Lydiation (LCC General Discussion)
- Topic: chart A. 7th#9 chord @(VII) of lyd. aug. !?
- Replies: 18
- Views: 53289
Re: chart A. 7th#9 chord @(VII) of lyd. aug. !?
C Lydian in that situation is essentially a G major scale used in place of G Lydian, or a horizontal scale used in place of a vertical scale. A7 being a II. is this situation what is called "Verticalized Horizontal Melody" ? it would be supra vertical then ? (see the thread about Supra Ve...
- Mon Feb 22, 2016 6:13 am
- Forum: Lydiation (LCC General Discussion)
- Topic: chart A. 7th#9 chord @(VII) of lyd. aug. !?
- Replies: 18
- Views: 53289
Re: chart A. 7th#9 chord @(VII) of lyd. aug. !?
so either way Bb lydian/ lyd aug / lyd dim over A7 would sound a vertical Bb lydian consonant nucleus setting then ?guitarjazz wrote:What about just a Bb lydian over A7? That works fine...suggests an 11b9 color. The other scales suggest other harmonic subtlties, including lydian augmented.
- Sat Feb 13, 2016 11:47 am
- Forum: Lydiation (LCC General Discussion)
- Topic: chart A. 7th#9 chord @(VII) of lyd. aug. !?
- Replies: 18
- Views: 53289
Re: chart A. 7th#9 chord @(VII) of lyd. aug. !?
if you look at chart A but the explicit voicings given in chapter II (4th ed) you get GR sometimes voices seventh chords without major third, as if a seven chord doesn't really need that tritone to sound seven (bluesy !??) for instance a minor7sus(add9) chord in C lydian (bottom up) D E G A C, sound...
- Thu Feb 11, 2016 10:02 am
- Forum: Lydiation (LCC General Discussion)
- Topic: chart A. 7th#9 chord @(VII) of lyd. aug. !?
- Replies: 18
- Views: 53289
Re: chart A. 7th#9 chord @(VII) of lyd. aug. !?
it is a A7b9@LydDim(II) not A7#9 !!
- Thu Feb 11, 2016 8:28 am
- Forum: Lydiation (LCC General Discussion)
- Topic: Supra Vertical approach.
- Replies: 6
- Views: 24551
Re: Supra Vertical approach.
HI. Almost a year has gone by since this post, but I was recently reading LCC for more clues about SVTG. SVTG is not just about using more "sharp" lydian chromatic scales. that approach is more on the side of the Conceptual Modal Genres, which GR considers as horizontal rather than vertic...
- Tue Feb 02, 2016 6:50 pm
- Forum: Lydiation (LCC General Discussion)
- Topic: chart A. 7th#9 chord @(VII) of lyd. aug. !?
- Replies: 18
- Views: 53289
Re: chart A. 7th#9 chord @(VII) of lyd. aug. !?
It's certainly a good question. it is! it is!! thank you for your answers. see, when I play a lydian diminished (I) chord with its I bIII +IV VII, it somehow sounds like a (I) chord from a diminished family.. idem for a blues tonic seventh chord, sounding a (I) like in the lydianb7 family.. (as if ...
- Mon Feb 01, 2016 4:44 pm
- Forum: Lydiation (LCC General Discussion)
- Topic: chart A. 7th#9 chord @(VII) of lyd. aug. !?
- Replies: 18
- Views: 53289
chart A. 7th#9 chord @(VII) of lyd. aug. !?
hello forum! I don't understand how and why is there a 7th chord b9#9 on the VII of lydian augmented in chart A ? I get it for lydian diminished, prime (bIII) brings the (M3)@(VII) while prime (II) makes the (m3)@(VII), so how is lydian aug. the primary home scale for the 7th#9 !? (7th#9 with a p5 a...
- Wed Jan 27, 2016 7:54 pm
- Forum: Lydiation (LCC General Discussion)
- Topic: Is appropiate to ask about chart intervalo for horizontal sc
- Replies: 11
- Views: 32048
Re: Is appropiate to ask about chart intervalo for horizonta
Fernando, see I think there is only one TG chart, we need only one btw, the one that have the 144 intervals on it, the intervals beyond the 7TO are both horizontal and vertical, they get less horizontal to me when the current lydian tonic tendency is well established.. the horizontal relations are u...